The rock collection is the second largest unit of the Mineral and Rock Deparment. While it is as old as the mineral collection, the developement in this case was not so unbroken
The biggest damage was caused by the revolution of 1956.
The present materials are mostly hand specimens originating from the Carphatian Basin, however, we preserve larger pieces of ornamental and architectural stones refined by different methods. The majority of our collection consists of the remaining rocks that survived the revolution and specimens donated after 1956 by the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary.
The majority of this material was collected during geological field works started in the last decades of the 1800’s. Some of the specimens are accompanied by thin sections.
Senior Curatorof the Department of the Mineralogy and Petrology: Gábor Papp
Curator responsible for the collection: Annamária Kis
Collection size
The collection has an itemised inventory. Number of inventory items: 19,390 (as of 31.12.2013).
The majority of the collection is arranged according to inventory number. Digital catalogues of specimens are available in Excel form at our location
The collection is open for visitors by appointment only.
Collection materials are available scientific examination for external researchers.
To discuss your requests, please contact our curator: [email protected]
On-site examination
Terms and Conditions (PDF)
Research permit form (DOC)