Bryological collection

updated: 04.03.2021

The collection has considerable value worldwide, as it contains the herbarium of Karl Gustav Limpricht, a bryophyte specialist from the turn of the last century, including many type specimens described by him and his contemporaries, as well as the voucher specimens of his famous monograph. 
Although the bryological collection preserves essential amount of materials from all over the world, the most significant items stem from the Carpathian Basin. This unit is completed by a manuscript catalogue of the Carpathian bryoflora, written by Ádám Boros. 
Our Balkans collection should also be mentioned as an on-growing material due to the field works of the last 15 years.
The projects of conservation of bryophytes in Hungary have resulted in numerous recent voucher specimens of rarities for the herbarium.
Collection history

Curators: Beáta Papp
Preparator: Bernadett Döme

Collection size
Total number of specimens: 259.368 (195.831 mosses, 9873 Sphagna and 53664 liverworts)
Number of taxa: ca 4,300 (2,000 European taxa (90% of the whole number of European taxa), 2,300 non-European
Number of types: 1,000

Remarkable people and collections
Limpricht collection, Boros collection, collections of Degen Á.,  Győrffy I., Hazslinszky F., Szepesfalvy J., Vajda L., Balkan collection 

Databases of types, rarities, endangered specimens of Hungary and the collection from the Balkans are available for search via  previous approval of our curator only.
The collection is open for visitors by appointment only.
Our materials are available for loan and scientific examinations for external researchers.
To discuss any of your requests, please contact our curator, Beata Papp: [email protected].

Research loans
Loan policy statement (PDF)
Loan agreement (DOC)

On-site examination
Terms and Conditions (PDF)
Research permit form (DOC)